Reply To: Studio apartment

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Andrea Snoek

    Hi! I know I am not mr Kate but maybe I can help. I have a little studio myself.

    Some suggestions:

    – Invest in a big cozy area rug, for your conversation area or/and for your bedroom-part. Rugs are awesome for designating area’s and make them feel their own instead of everything being in one big room (as is the problem with a studio).

    – Hanging some art really brightens up a room, and makes it feel personal. The same goes for plants.

    – Invest in light that is not hanging from the sealing, but offers soft warm light at eye height. This really cozy’s up a room.

    – Candles!

    – You can colour part of your wall in a deep/rich colour. For example the part of the wall where your bed is or the wall in your kitchen.

    I hope my tips were of some sort of help!

    (as I have watched all of mr Kates videos on Youtube allready, another great youtube channel is House&Home, with lots of decoration inspo)

    Lots of love!