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Brittany Hodnett

    Hey y’all!

    Well my name is Brittany and I’m #ahotgluegunmess! I’m 27 and from Texas. I am a surgical tech for a L&D floor. I’m thinking about heading back to school and becoming a PA. Lol I love everything DIY! You could kinda say I’m obsessed. I haven’t done as many as I would like but I’ve done enough that some of my local Micheal’s employees know me. I’m slowly taking over my boyfriend’s man cave/our spare bedroom. Let’s just say he isn’t too happy about that. I also love makeup. The boyfriend doesn’t understand why I need 50+ lipsticks and then when I try to explain some are matte, liquid, look the same color but they are different, etc. he just doesn’t understand lol. I’ll admit I have a problem (I do have a ton) but I do use almost all of it and what I don’t I give to my little sis. I also love love love jewelry and shoes! Like my life isn’t complete without them. I have yet to buy any Mr. Kate jewelry but one day I will! I’m in love with pretty much everything on the website! And those Winston panties give me life!! I don’t have any kids but I have a dog so close enough right? Lol but yeah she is pretty much like my child. A lot of my DIYs are for her. One day I hope to start a blog and/or a YouTube channel but right now I’m just doing me. I joined the little monsters on Facebook a few days ago and I’m so excited! I can’t wait to get to know y’all and see everything y’all do!