I'm a ____ Mess!!

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    Mr. Kate

      The past few years have been unbelievably tough, but I’ve found a strength I never knew I possessed. So despite being a hot hospital mess at the moment, I’m already thinking about all the things I want to do when I get out. I don’t know if my body will let me do them all, but I’ll give it a good go!

      Wow!!!!!!! Can I just say I’m so incredibly impressed with this entire thread so far! So many inspiring, complex, compelling and enlightening stories about all of you amazing humans!

      Don’t stop! Keep sharing! I can’t get enough!!!!!!!!! Inspo on fleek!!!!!!

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Mr. Kate.


        Hello wonderful weirdos!!!

        This thread is amazing! So cool to learn more about the incredible people who make up the Little Mister community ^_^

        When I first joined the LMs, I said I was “A Hot Eclectic Mess”. This is still true, as I absolutely love pulling inspiration from all sorts of things (whether it be for my fashion, home decor or DIY/art style).

        But really, at the moment, I’m just A Hot Pregnant Mess ^_^

        I’ve just recently passed my due date, so things are feeling a little unsettled and nervous for me right now. On top of this, we’ve just moved house (like last week!) so things feel extra crazy!!!

        Having said that, I have found myself really enjoying this last part of my pregnancy. For so long, I felt very confused and didn’t really feel like I’ve had a chance to connect with my wee bump (especially after my four year old boy had a pretty horrific accident last month. He’s bounced back amazingly thank goodness!)

        Now that I can slow down and take some time for me, I’ve felt more happy and at peace with the incoming birthing (I’ve been struggling with some pretty intense anxiety about it from complications from my first birthing experience).

        I’ve just now read back over this post and definitely feel like a Hot Pregnant Mess, this is the kind of word vomit a baby brain produces 😀

        Anyway, here are a couple of pictures I took the other day. I’ve been having as much fun as I can with this bump while I’ve still got it! ^_^

        And just a little side note to Brittany Smith… This world can be pretty dark and the amount of hate blows my mind at times. Especially being a mum, I find myself worrying about the world my children will grow up in. But you can’t let those feelings and thoughts bring you down. There is sooooo much good in the world, it just gets overshadowed by the scary stuff. I really hope you had a wonderful birthday and I’m sending infinite amounts of love and light your way!!! <3

        Peace and love Little Misters xx


        Jenna Rabel

          I’m a hot I don’t know what mess! By this I mean I have so many things I love to do and want to do that sometimes it seems impossible to accomplish everything! I love being creative through graphic design, photography and crafting, but also woodworking and I want to learn how to weld! I’m trying to learn calligraphy right now because I love to draw, but I feel like drawing doesn’t require as much control as true calligraphy and I love a challenge! I love my job in marketing, but would eventually love to do freelance work so I can work from home! I love interior design and if I could be really good at one thing and make a living off of it it would be that, who knows what I’ll be doing in 10-20 years. I also love to travel, but I love staying home too. I love cats and dogs and really all animals and would also love a teacup pig (I probably wont get one, but I did find a reputable breeder and hour away from me…). This is all kind of random, but maybe this can all fall under I’m a hot joyful mess, my main goal in life is to be happy and spread joy. By capturing moments that make people smile, designing a logo that helps them build their dream, making various things to help someone’s vision come to life, creating a beautiful space someone can call home, making someone laugh because I tried to walk my cat on a leash… or my teacup pig 😉 Whatever it is I think the best gift you can give someone is joy 🙂


          P.S. here is my cat on his harness with his leash in the pet store wearing a lion mane #canteven


          Nousheen Sherazi

            Ok! This is not related to fashion, even though I live for it!

            But here goes,

            I’m a HOT Mess!

            Reason being, a lot of people love the summer heat, but I don’t happen to be one of em. I was born and bought up in Dubai, and the heat here is insane! When I see my friends posting pictures of rain or grey skies, I actually get sad about it. I mean I know a lot of people might read this and think that it’s a lame answer but I don’t know this is what I’m feeling right now. I’ve always felt like moving away from here, because I always see myself living in some place cold and grey, which to some people maybe depressing but for me, it’s happiness! I love the color grey and I end up wearing grey hoodies under grey skies – that’s when I’m a happy & happening MESS (which is usually when I visit my home town )

            I actually wish my answer was a bit more creative haha, but ah well! 🙂

            Have a lovely day guys!


            Brittany Laird


              Its hard to choose but if I had to pick just one…I’m a Hot Writing Mess! I’ve always enjoyed writing and making up stories and am currently writing a comic book with a friend. It’s an exciting and interesting process and I can’t wait to see how it turns out!


              Jacqueline Clark

                I’m a hot artsy mama mess!!

                I wanted to come up with some totally witty mess to be, but thought this summed it up quite adequately.

                I knew I wanted to be some kind of “mama” mess because after struggling with infertility for years I was blessed with my sweet little guy, Jude. He is 15 months today, and I wear my mom badge like a freakin’ gold crown!! It’s a long and borderline complicated story, but it’s mine. It’s my soul.
                I had to include the artsy because, duh. Losing myself in the creativity insanity is my  sanity. I’m a makeup artist by trade, but anything goes! What’s life without a little whimsy?!

                I have loved this Little Misters ride with you guys and can’t wait to see what the summer brings!


                Teresa Castaneda

                  Hi Everybody! I’m a Hot Sparkly mess but could have easily filled it in with creative, bouncy, bubbly, kitty, sewing, crafty, or traveling mess. I’m going with sparkly because I like to add sparkle to all aspects of my life. Hence the picture of me in my sparkly ears at Disneyland. ;D I graduated university last year and have found extra time to DIY, sew, and craft. I plan on making a tufted headboard in the future. I promise to post pictures of that completed project. I love being a part of this DIY loving group. I am also wearing one of my favorite Mr. Kate necklaces. 😀 P.S. Don’t mind the stray hair that was trying to photo bomb my pic. 😉





                  Dana Snyder

                    I’m a Hot Creative Mess!

                    Creativity practically runs through my veins and I wouldn’t wish it any other way! When I was younger I went through ink, crayons, markers and reams of paper like a monster. My twin sister and I were mongrels consuming art supplies like hungry beasts or as my older sister called us “snow monsters.” We were always drawing, coloring and imagining our lives later on. When we were younger we would practically live at the art college where my father works, being handfuls while soaking in the possibilities in life for creativity and expression. As we have grown up, creativity is forever a part of our daily lives, even though we live in what we consider the seemingly grey Midwest, we learned to add a splash of color to everything we do, whether that is style, visual art, etc. we enjoy basking in the glow of creativity and its wonders. My sister showed me Mr.Kate just this past year and she had been following you for a while now. I have become so absolutely inspired, liberated, and happy being able to find others who enjoy finding the special quirks inside them and sharing with others their own creativity. My friends, my sister and I have even started our own blog  (http://elysianblog.squarespace.com) This community is amazing, so I guess we are all pretty much Hot Creative Messes and I think thats an awesome thing!

                    (we are always monkeying around!)


                    Kelly Hanelt

                      Ummm hey, everyone! To play along, I’m a A Hot A Hot Glue Gun Mess-Loving Mess … my adoration of Kate’s book is famed within the halls of the office (and out on the mean streets of LA too, I have the sticker on my car!) ANYWAYS, we have a winner!!! Luck be Little Mister Brooke Clarke — you’re getting the super amazing #AHotGlueGunMess swag bag!! 💖🎉 Please email me (kelly@mrkate.com) by Wednesday with your address so we can send it to you! XO


                      Kelly Hanelt

                        Alright, Little Misters, we had so much fun putting together this A Hot Glue Gun Mess-themed swag bag for Brooke! We can’t wait to see what she’ll do with its contents!!

                        It includes:

                        A personalized copy of A Hot Glue Gun Mess
                        Colored twines and ribbons
                        Metallic dragonfly and bee charms
                        A Hot Glue Gun Mess BeautyMarks
                        Mr. Kate, A Hot Glue Gun Mess, and #whynot stickers
                        Patterned hair ties
                        Neon paints
                        Urban Decay highlighter
                        Essie nail polish
                        Tea candles
                        Assorted pom-poms
                        Detailed beads
                        Letter Beads that spell out BECAUSE WHY NOT (and a heart!)


                        Kelly & Sofia & Kate!

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